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Tachyon squadron pdf download

Tachyon squadron pdf download

Tachyon Squadron: Print & Play Ship Minis,Leave a comment

Tachyon Squadron is a Fate Core supplement that blends space opera and military sci-fi. The game requires Fate Core to play. This book includes: A highly structured starfighter combat engagement system, with a focus on phased combat and maneuvering for advantage Instructions on creating fighter pilot characters in Fate, including pilot Download tachyon-squadronpdf. Type: PDF; Date: October ; Size: MB; This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the Tachyon Squadron (Fate Core RPG) by Evil Hat Productions» Download the advance PDF here! — Kickstarter Tachyon Squadron (Fate Core RPG) A Fate Core RPG setting featuring Tachyon Squadron: Print & Play Ship Minis. No thanks, just take me to the downloads. Included files. Tachyon Squadron Print and Play Paper (4 MB) Support the Join the Tachyon Squadron arm of the Draconis Volunteer Group! Engage in interstellar combat; steer your ship among the stars, and join your fellow fighter pilots in a quest for danger, glory, ... read more

This is especially true for characters with mental disabilities PTSD might be especially common among characters who are war veterans. So the character has to adapt and cope as best they can. If you wish to represent a disability mechanically, do so through an aspect, or perhaps through an invokable stunt. And able-bodied folks should never, ever, play a disability for laughs. The Fate Accessibility Toolkit from Evil Hat Productions is an invaluable resource for playing a disabled character. SKILLS Tachyon Squadron uses a slightly different skill list than Fate Core. Skills are divided into three categories: spacefaring, action, and social. Pilots with high Gunnery might be naturally good shots, or they might spend countless hours practicing on the gunnery range during training. Note: Gunnery is for mounted or emplacement weapons only. Competence with handheld weapons is represented by the Shoot skill; missile weapons state in their description what skill you use to attack with them.

ddDefend: Some ships usually capital ships and space stations allow gunners to use this skill in defend actions. PILOT Pilot measures your ability to fly any sort of spacecraft or aircraft. Driving a ground speeder or cycle falls under Pilot as well. ccCreate Advantage: Fancy flying can create situation aspects like Barrel Roll or Leaf on the Wind in starfighter engagements. ooOvercome: Push an enemy fighter to a disadvantageous position in an engagement. Land a critically damaged ship on an alien planet. ddDefend: Pilot is the main skill used to defend against Gunnery attacks in starfighter engagements. ccCreate Advantage: Create aspects like Come Out of the Sun or Split-S to help yourself and your comrades in an engagement. ooOvercome: The Tactics skill is used to perform overcome actions in the vital maneuver phase of starfighter engagements.

ddDefend: Tactics is not used to defend. Your ability to detect enemy ships and repair damage to your own is governed by Technology. The skill can be used with any technological devices, not just aboard spacecraft. Someone with a high Technology rating might be a trained scientist or engineer, or maybe an experienced tinkerer. aaAttack: Lock a missile onto a target and fire. ccCreate Advantage: Create aspects like Angled Deflector Shields or Rig for Silent Running. ooOvercome: Detect enemy ships at long range—the first phase of starfighter engagements. Perform emergency repairs. ATHLETICS This skill summarizes a wide array of physical attributes: physical strength, agility, quickness, and toughness chief among them.

A person with high Athletics is likely to be very physically fit and might be an avid participant in at least one sport—team handball is extremely popular among the crews and staff of the Draconis Volunteer Group. aaAttack: Use a thrown weapon, swing from a rope onto your target. ccCreate Advantage: Leap up to the high ground, sprint through the crossfire. ooOvercome: Race through a burning engine room, climb a rope, swim away from the wreck of your fighter. ddDefend: Avoid gunfire. Resist the physical abuse of punching out. FIGHT Use Fight to rate your skill in hand-to-hand combat: fisticuffs, wrestling, close combat with non-ranged weapons. Someone with high Fight might hold a high rank in a formal martial art, be a big, intimidating brawler, or study swordsmanship or fencing.

aaAttack: Throw a series of punches and kicks. Slash at your opponent with a knife. ooOvercome: Throw your opponent through a doorway. ddDefend: Parry a sword thrust. Block a combination of punches. NOTICE Notice rates your perceptiveness and the sharpness of your senses. People with a high Notice skill can spot movement from a long distance, or have the highly trained ear of a musician. ccCreate Advantage: Notice is best used to discover aspects on targets, like Weak Point or Favors Left Turns. ooOvercome: Spot someone trying to remain hidden. People with a high Shoot skill take extra practice time at the range, or perhaps grew up hunting and shooting for sport.

aaAttack: Attack a target with a hand-held laser blaster. ccCreate Advantage: Lay down Suppressive Fire. ooOvercome: Destroy the lock on a door. ddDefend: Shoot is not a defense skill. SNEAK Sneak is the skill that rates your ability to move and hide without being detected. People with a high Sneak skill know how to move deliberately and quietly, or they might be physically small to aid in hiding. aaAttack: Sneak is not an attack skill. ccCreate Advantage: Create situation aspects like Quiet as a Mouse or One With the Shadows. ooOvercome: Avoid leaving tracks, sneak past a passive security system. ddDefend: Stay hidden while someone is actively looking for you.

aaAttack: Discipline is not an attack skill. ccCreate Advantage: Create situation aspects like Steeled for the Fight or Cooler Heads Prevail. ooOvercome: Eliminate fear-generating situation aspects. Remove stress. Determine the best course of action in the chaos of combat. ddDefend: Resist efforts to Provoke you. In Tachyon Squadron, lying and being deceptive is baked into Provoke and Rapport and, to a lesser extent, Sneak. If you want to be especially good or especially bad at doing that while lying, take a stunt or an aspect to represent that. aaAttack: Empathy is not an attack skill. ccCreate Advantage: Empathy works well for discovering aspects on others, like Terrified of Failure or Wary of Outsiders.

ddDefend: Use Empathy to notice if someone is trying to deceive or manipulate you. An Investigate roll typically represents minutes to hours of work, rather than a single moment. ccCreate Advantage: Use Investigate to discover situation aspects or aspects on other characters, such as In Massive Debt or Former Dominion Intelligence Agent. ooOvercome: Learn the owner of a cargo ship based on its registration number, find security camera footage from a certain location and date. aaAttack: You can attack with Provoke if you really go for the throat, shaming or terrifying someone into irrelevance in the scene—and your target has to be in a position to care about what you say. ccCreate Advantage: Create aspects reflecting the emotional states you provoke, like Furious or Guilt-Ridden. ooOvercome: Goad someone into taking a swing at you. Intimidate a guard into letting you pass. ddDefend: Provoke is not a defensive skill.

RAPPORT Rapport is the skill you use when you want to get along with people. Provoke is about negative emotion, while Rapport is about engendering positive emotion. Negotiation, persuasion, and making connections are all part of Rapport. aaAttack: Rapport is not an attack skill. ccCreate Advantage: Create aspects like Trusted or Helpful. ooOvercome: Get information from a talkative tavern buddy. Negotiate a reduction in price for that precision missile. Start a rumor. ddDefend: Rapport can be used to douse rumormongering or defend against Provoke-based attempts to turn the mood of a room against you.

Personal stunts reduce your refresh; gear stunts do not. PERSONAL STUNTS Much like stunts in Fate Core, personal stunts change how skills work for you. They grant a bonus under particular circumstances, allow using one skill in place of another, or give you a unique talent you can use a limited number of times. The rules for creating these stunts outlined on page 88 in Fate Core System are all applicable in Tachyon Squadron. If your attack succeeds, you place that condition as a situation aspect with two free invokes on the target in addition to hitting them for damage. Gear stunts differ from personal stunts in two important ways. Her character has a stunt called High Performance Datapad, which allows her to maximize one die.

In some circumstances—such as if your starfighter is damaged in combat—you might have to minimize one or more dice. To minimize a die, your opponent turns one of your dice to - after you roll. If different effects cause you to maximize and minimize dice on the same roll, they cancel each other out one-for-one. For example, if various effects call for you to maximize two dice and minimize one on the same roll, just maximize one—one of the maximizations and the minimization cancel each other. Treat these as situation aspects in effect when the gear is being used—they can be compelled or invoked like any other situation aspect.

Aspects that describe gear provide an interesting way to create a more powerful stunt that has some drawback associated with it. A carbine is Bulky. Gain Armor:1 vs. damage from blasters, slug throwers, explosives, etc. Maximize one die on all Stealth actions. ADJUSTING REFRESH 34 Player characters start with a refresh of 3, which is reduced by personal stunts. Gear stunts never count against refresh, but you can never maximize or minimize more than two dice on a single roll, which limits how much impact gear can have. The heart of it is in the maneuver and action phases, where every vessel in the combat works to gain advantage—an abstract concept representing optimal position, velocity, and several other factors—and may attack targets with advantage equal to or less than they have. If you want to concede or attempt to disengage, this is the time.

Return to the maneuver phase. Repeat the cycle of maneuver-action-end until one side is destroyed or disengages. The phases for playing this out go like this: detection, maneuver, action, end of round. You repeat maneuver, action, and end of round until one side is destroyed or one or both sides run. DETECTION PHASE Because the two groups of starfighters are still millions of kilometers apart and far beyond visual range, the highly advanced sensors that each fighter is equipped with have a chance to detect the drive plumes and other electromagnetic emissions of enemy fighters.

Make a note of the best and worst results to establish a range. Meanwhile, the GM makes a single overcome roll with their best Technology-equipped vessel. Now, we compare the results to see if any ships are undetected. If the GM succeeds with style, all of her ships are undetected. If the lowest PC succeeds with style, all of their ships are. The side with the undetected ships chooses which ships are undetected. Large ships—such as freighters, military capital ships, big passenger liners, etc. These ships can never be undetected. Similarly, space stations are impossible to miss but hidden installations on planet surfaces or asteroids might not be. A flight of three starfighters is on a long-range patrol: Nails played by Lenny , Nok played by Amanda , and Gunner played by Carrie.

Mike is the GM. Mike asks for detection rolls from all the players, while he rolls for his ships, four Dominion DF Goblin starfighters arranged into two flights flights are groups of multiple ships that act as one. Nails and Gunner are your best and Nok is your worst. I tie Nok, so nobody is undetected. OK, so your ships pick up two flights of two DF Goblins. Surviving maneuver phase, make an a dogfight depends on mainovercome action with the taining tactical superiority over Tactics skill. Some while putting yourself in posistunts and actions change tion to fire at your opponents.

this—the text of the stunt or In the maneuver phase, each action gives you those details. pilot determines their relative level of advantage compared to the other ships in the fight. This advantage is tracked on the maneuver chart. MANEUVER CHART Grab a large sheet of paper, a dry erase board, or something similar that you can lay flat on the table. Create a chart that looks like the one on the opposite page. Get some markers to represent spaceships—sci fi wargame miniatures, small toy spaceships, tiny models built from LEGO® bricks—some sort of individually identifiable tokens you can place on the rows.

Use a single marker to represent an enemy flight. Place the marker representing your ship on that number or lower, if you wish. If you roll exceptionally high or low, expand the chart as necessary, keeping Undetected at the top and Special at the bottom. OK, everyone place your ships. For now, this is all you need. This is the phase when you make attacks, create advantages, make emergency repairs, and any number of other actions. On your turn, take two actions from the list of available actions: Step 1 and Step 2. Once all ships take a turn in the action phase, the phase is complete. Who goes first? Who goes next? There are a variety of actions; some must be performed during Step 1, some during Step 2, and some require both steps. Who can I attack? Targets above you have the drop on you and can attack you. Gunfire goes streaking around the ship but none of it connects.

Next up are Goblin 2 and Gunner, who go simultaneously. A detailed example follows page Once every ship has taken their actions, the cycle repeats. This moves down one slot unless means that all ships move an action, stunt, etc. says down one slot on the maneuthey should not. Return to ver chart shown below. the maneuver phase. Some actions you can take in the action phase, such as tactical refocus, allow you to skip degrading. Ships that were switching zones page 52 move to their desired zone. Hits must be absorbed, which you can do in two ways: your shields can be weakened and you can accept damage. SHIELDS Shields are invisible fields that protect ships from laser blasts, solar radiation, shrapnel, meteorites, and a host of other space hazards. When powerful weapons strike the shields, they sometimes momentarily glow a translucent blue.

Shields are given a strength rating, typically 1 through 3 but some are stronger. So if you start with strength 3 shields, get hit by a 2-shift blast, then take 1 more shift in the next round, your shields are exhausted. DAMAGE If your shields are drained, and you either have hits remaining from the attack that drained your shields or a new attack, your starfighter sustains damage. Each instance of damage mitigates up to two shifts. For each instance of damage, roll a single fate die and check off the next box in the appropriate column. Penalties listed are cumulative. Some slots also hit you with an aspect that your opponents can invoke and get one free invoke, just like consequences.

Shields work exactly like stress— they can typically absorb up to 3 shifts of damage, depending on their strength rating. Damage remaining after shields are drained causes instances of damage. Each instance mitigates two shifts of damage. For each round your ship takes at least one instance of damage, your pilot also sustains one shift of damage. Punch out! Damage and Personal Stress: Each round that your ship sustains an instance of damage, your character suffers one shift of damage to themselves—most players will choose to take stress, if they can, rather than take a consequence. Space combat is not for the faint of heart. Regular damage is what we were just talking about. Simple damage simply tracks how many shifts of damage the ship has absorbed. Mark off a box, starting on the left, for each shift of damage the ship suffers. When the last box is marked off, the ship is destroyed.

PUNCHING OUT 46 Being in a ship that is destroyed is hazardous to your health. Luckily for you, every modern starfighter is equipped with an AES— Automated Ejection System—which throws you clear of the fiery destruction of your starfighter. This is called punching out. This is not a gentle process—it activates powerful explosives to launch your seat through your disintegrating canopy, accelerating you at about 20 Gs. When you punch out, your seat attacks you—your character, not your ship. Use your Discipline or Athletics to defend against that attack. You can also punch out manually before your ship is destroyed—on your action phase, or in the maneuver phase, possibly as part of a concession.

If they get caught. If a fight turns against you, you might want to push the throttle to the stops and get the hell out of there. There are two ways to bug out. Perhaps you arrive back home with a full stress track and carrying a mild consequence. Perhaps your fighter is destroyed and you narrate being picked up by a rescue ship. Perhaps two ships from your side want to bug out on the same round—and the GM demands that one pilot be captured if the other is to return home safely everyone getting the fate points owed to them, of course, with perhaps an extra for the captured flier. Anyone anywhere on the maneuver chart can attack you. If you survive the round, you successfully bug out. A wet erase miniatures battle mat or a dry erase board are ideal, because you can erase and add slots if you need them. Absent that, butcher paper or gaming paper work well too. These ships have the opportunity to attack largely without fear of immediate counterattack—ambush, in other words. They are by definition above all other ships in the engagement, and thus may attack anyone and cannot be attacked by anyone.

Once the first round is over, undetected ships are noticed. A wide variety of actions are available. Spend a fate point to climb two slots on the maneuver chart, then attack a ship at or below your new slot. Large Target Strike full phase : Attack a large target, such as a capital ship, a space station or asteroid installation, a planet-based installation, or similar. Also use this action to remain on their tail if you used this action in the previous round against the same target. If your target does something to change their position on the maneuver chart—a tactical refocus action, for example—you may move your ship on the maneuver chart to stay one slot above theirs. If your target is destroyed or shakes you off, or they move on the maneuver chart and you choose not to follow them, in the next maneuver phase you must roll Tactics as if it were the first round to determine your new position on the maneuver chart.

Snap Shot Step 1 : Make an attack against a ship at your level or below on the maneuver chart. Most attacks are made with guns—an attack roll using the Gunnery skill vs. a defend action using Pilot from the target—but some other weapons can be used if their descriptions allow it. Attacks made against targets on the same level of the maneuver chart are resolved simultaneously, meaning both attacks are resolved before damage to the other is accounted for. Yes, this could result in two ships destroying each other. Creating advantages works exactly the same way as described in Fate Core, and is a good way to mechanically represent aerial combat maneuvers like Wingover a very rapid turn , Barrel Roll to improve attack and tactical positioning, a Split-S to improve defense, etc. Engagements NON-ATTACK ACTIONS Overcome Step 1 or 2 : You can use the overcome action to eliminate existing situation aspects, as described in Fate Core.

Push Step 2 : You may attempt to push an enemy ship at your position or lower on the maneuver chart to a lower slot on the maneuver chart. If you succeed, the target drops down the maneuver chart a number of slots you choose, up to your margin of success. Repair Step 2 : You can undo some of the damage caused to your ship by using the repair action in the action phase. Choose a damage category or shields and make a Technology overcome roll vs. Move your ship down two slots on the maneuver chart, and your comrade is rescued or enemy pilot captured. All ships currently in service with Tachyon Squadron are equipped to safely pick up at least one character this way. You can also use this action to pick up objects of roughly the size of a person or smaller drifting in space. If you shake your attacker, both you and your attacker reposition yourselves in the next maneuver phase by rolling Tactics, the same as the procedure for the maneuver phase in the first round.

Switch Zones Step 2 : In a multizone fight, such as with a fighter screen page 60 , use this action to switch zones. You may only take this action if you are in the Special slot on the maneuver chart. If someone is on your tail, they have the option to stay on your tail and follow you to the next zone, appearing in the slot above yours after you roll in the next maneuver phase, or they may stay in the first zone and roll for their own position in the next maneuver phase, at their option. Tactical Refocus Step 2 : This action allows you to make a Tactics overcome roll to determine your position as if it were the first maneuver phase. Move your ship to that position or to any position lower than that immediately, and you do not degrade in the next end of round phase. You might choose to voluntarily lower your own position if, for example, you have someone on your tail and you want to lead them to a poor tactical position. Thin Out the Swarm Step 1 or 2 but not both : Make an overcome action using Gunnery or another skill, if you use a modular weapon against the Pilot defense of the ships making up the swarm—more about swarms in the next section.

If you succeed, you eliminate one swarm aspect—typically you choose one with multiple free invokes remaining. This action is simply an application of the overcome action in Fate Core, so its results are treated the same way. Failure can be interpreted as success at a severe cost, success with style gets you a boost, etc. Tracking each of these fighters individually would be a bookkeeping headache—this is a game about awesome fighter pilots, not accounting. We manage this problem in two different ways. FLIGHTS A flight is a group of starfighters—usually two, sometimes four—that act together as a single entity. A flight increases its weapon damage by 1 on successful attacks for each fighter after the first so a flight of four fighters with a base of Weapon:0 would have Weapon:3 on successful attacks. Attacks made against a flight affect one member of the flight first, until that member is destroyed. THE SWARM What about the hordes of enemy fighters that fill the backdrop in cinematic starfighter battles?

In Tachyon Squadron, we call this the swarm, and we represent them with a collection of aspects with free invokes that the GM can use to make her attacks with more dangerous enemies even more dangerous. To cut down on this advantage the GM has, pilots can thin out the swarm, an action described on page ATTACKING LARGE TARGETS Large targets typically have a variety of smaller systems that can be individually targeted by starfighters. Damaging and destroying different systems on the capital ship has different effects, much like damage to a starfighter. Large targets are placed in the Special section of the maneuver chart in the maneuver phase of engagements. Starfighters must choose one of two modes of attack vs. large targets, and face different defenses in each situation: long range and short range. In either case, most large targets—capital ships, space stations, ground installations—have active defenses, meaning they defend themselves by shooting back. Pilots whose attack rolls fail take damage.

Long-Range Attacks: The first way a starfighter can attack a large target is from long range. Instead, they act like armor—and strong armor it is. Additionally, some systems on the ship cannot be targeted from long range. Typically defenses are much deadlier close in, where point defense blasters, relativistic scatterguns, and other devious systems designed to shred attacking fighters make their last stand. While the ship is always placed on the Special slot of the maneuver chart, the offensive cannon targeting systems work exactly like starfighters—the gunner aboard the ship rolls Tactics for the first round. They can then make an attack against targets at or lower than their level, or they may perform the tactical refocus action.

Just make one attack each round as the snap shot action, or refocus. Engagements BEING ATTACKED BY LARGE TARGETS CAN BIG SHIPS BUG OUT? Can a big capital ship or a lumbering cargo hauler bug out? The GM may impose some sensible narrative limitations on the action. At that point, consider a concession rather than playing out those rounds: the ship is damaged but all the PCs make it home safely, for instance. LARGE TARGETS AND REPAIRS At the end of each action phase, each large target can attempt to repair a single instance of damage. How do you attack the frigate? It says I use Technology as my attack skill. The missile says it has Weapon That…was not good for the bad guys. With my Weapon rating, that gives me a 3-shift hit on you. Oh wait, the target ship has active defense, so I take damage on a miss. Got it. This jerk might be dead in the water but he still packs a punch.

Okay, my go. But if you want to do your actions first, go for it. I have an unguided rocket swarm. It says here I use my Pilot skill to attack, and maximize one die if attacking a large target. Pew pew pew! You got me! Who wrote these rules? is a shift hit. It is so dead. Your action was simultaneous with its action, so it still gets a shot. And it shoots at you—but it still minimizes two. No dice for you. The frigate is going to try to repair something. Nobody did a refocus, so everyone degrade one slot. Does that make sense? But if you head back now, this guy will have time to get his engines back online. If you use your last two rounds to take its bridge out, or its last gun turret, a shuttle full of Marines might be able to get here to board and capture her.

Sound good? The attackers fight the fighter screen as usual in the outside zone. You cannot attack targets in another zone. EXTENDED EXAMPLE: PIERCE THE SCREEN [Nails, Gunner, and Nok are trying to get past a screen of Dominion starfighters to attack a space station. For his Step 2, he creates Running Interference with a free invoke. For each instance of damage your ship takes, you suffer 1 shift of damage. You automatically suffer 2 shifts of damage for the first night of sleep you miss, 4 for the second consecutive night, 6 for the third consecutive night, etc.

The first time you witness this, suffer 4 shifts of damage. The GM may compel your relationship aspects to increase this stress as appropriate. GETTING TAKEN OUT If you get taken out, the GM decides your fate. Held on too tight. Might be time to create a new pilot PC. The modules are limited in number, so they should be used carefully. Equipment that grants attacks can be used in attack actions like snap shot, on their tail, etc. The listed action skill tells you what skill to make your attack with. If you use a Vortex in the thin out the swarm action, success eliminates two aspects, not just one.

This weapon is not effective against large targets. In the third and subsequent rounds, maximize two dice. DESIGNING YOUR OWN MODULAR EQUIPMENT GMs and players are encouraged to invent their own equipment modules. Player-invented modules can provide a fun secondary plot focusing on a Technology-oriented pilot, as that pilot draws up plans, gathers material, tests prototypes, etc. They maximize dice, rather than grant straight bonuses; otherwise, the powers and abilities they grant look very much like stunts. Mike asks for detection rolls from all the players while he rolls for his ships, which are led by two pairs of DF Goblin starfighters.

Rotten luck. OK, so your ships pick up on a flight of two DF Goblins and a swarm of six DF Gators. Keep your eyes open, everyone. Wait, a 5-shift hit, because Goblins have Weapon:1 on Gunnery attacks, and there are two of them in the flight. That leaves 2 shifts, so I guess I take one instance of damage. Does that mean every time I roll Technology? Also, you take a shift of damage yourself, Nok, because of the ship taking an instance of damage. First I want to thin out the swarm. You take one of the aspects out! Say, Flight 3? Down you go, to A Gator gets in the way of your shot, making it less effective. Ouch, as I said. Swing and a miss. Step 2, I want to do a tactical refocus. OK, end of the round. Everyone degrade your maneuver position. yours, Nok. Two hits on critical systems… Oh crud. I now have Life Support Damage as an aspect, and the cockpit was hit. So I personally sustain 9 shifts of damage. You take 1 more, because your ship took an instance of damage.

Well then. I guess I blow my whole stress track, and still have 5 shifts to burn. Your turn, by the way. I need to get away from this guy. Now I roll. OK, for Step 1, I want to create an advantage to help Nails. You create the aspect Covering Fire with a free invoke. I have to get above this guy on Nails. Oh, wait, I need to minimize two dice. One gone, and one ship left in Goblin Flight 2. Painting a silhouette on my ship when we get home. Goblin Flight 2 still has one ship left. Total of zero. On you like glue. OK, round over, starting a new round.

So, I propose that we part ways. Bugging out? I wanted that kill. Engagement over! Here are some terms you can use to make your in-game dialogue feel a bit more authentic. Could be a civilian ship, or a friendly warship or starfighter. Generally synonymous with target. A megaklick is one million kilometers. This is necessary but not sufficient to hit the target; it might be out of range or too fast to catch. Wait until you have a firing solution to actually launch the missile. The Blackfish is considered a multirole fighter. This usually leads to a reversal of roles, as the enemy is now in a position to attack. Orienting along this axis is called pitching up and pitching down, or nosing up and nosing down. A full pitch rotation is a loop. A fighter in an offensive position sees their target first and is able to use that to their advantage. Two fighters in a neutral position are aware of each other, but neither one has an advantage or an immediate firing solution.

In game terms, position is handled in the detection phase of combat. Technical term for dogfighting. Sometimes called a light bomber or fighter bomber or attack fighter. The origin of the word tav is a matter of much debate. Half victories can be awarded for shared victories, if two pilots both cause significant damage to the target. Most maneuvers involving yawing also involve some degree of roll such that the resulting G-force pushes the pilot into their seat, reducing the strain on the inertial dampeners by redirecting all that energy down, rather than to one side. This combination of yawing and rolling is called banking. JARGON AND GAME MECHANICS Actually treating dogfighting in Tachyon Squadron with realistic detail would result in excruciatingly slow game play not especially in the spirit of Fate.

Rather, the intention is that you use this brief primer to make your dogfights sound more like dogfights, and thus maybe make them feel more authentic. For example, on your turn you might create an advantage to put a Barrel Roll Attack aspect into play and then push an enemy fighter into a lower slot on the maneuver chart. In the fiction, the enemy tried to break away from you, but then you pulled a partial roll and loop, putting you on their six and ready to attack. Also, try using your hands to represent you and your target when you describe the action. Seriously, it helps! The origins of many of these words have been lost for centuries. A barrel roll attack is this maneuver plus a degree loop, a tactic commonly used to counter a break. See also split-S. Like the Immelmann, the split-S is typically used to disengage. Viewed from above, the fighters appear to outline a figure An enemy pursuing one of the fighters or fighter pairs is invariably left vulnerable to the other.

Used defensively, this should result in an attacker overshoot. Boelcke taught him how to fly. Although originally conceived far from the Draconis System, the Dicta Boelcke are still surprisingly applicable to space combat maneuvering though you may have to squint a bit for a few of them. If possible, keep the sun behind you. Breaking off an attack early means ceding the advantage to your opponent. Be mindful of where you are in relation to the rest of the squadron and how to get back to them. If fights break up into a series of single combats, pay attention that several comrades would not go after one opponent. A QUICK HISTORY LESSON Hundreds of years ago, the first primitive hyperdrives were invented and humanity fluttered from the nest. Despite some disastrous early setbacks, we found our wings and spread throughout the galaxy.

Now, dozens of politically independent entities exist throughout settled space. The two most powerful, by far, are the Stellar Republic and the Dominion of Unity. The Republic home to the Sol system and Earth is flawed, but at least nominally stands for liberal democratic values, the rule of law, and democratic institutions. The Dominion is an aggressively militaristic and expansionist surveillance state governed by a dynastic ruling family with a personality cult built around them that borders on religious. Both states rule over many dozens of star systems. Eleven years ago open war—now known as the Great Galactic War, or just the War—sparked between them. Fleets of starships clashed, littering star systems with burned-out hulks. Titanic armies struggled for control of planet surfaces and asteroid mines and space stations. Billions perished.

Both sides were exhausted. An armistice agreement was signed, and people across settled space celebrated the peace that followed, the peace that now exists between the two rival superpowers. Intense ideological, political, and economic differences remain. Overlapping territory claims are unresolved. War could easily break out again, war that few people want. Which is why it was so alarming to leaders in both the Dominion and the Republic when, only a year after The War ended, the government of the border system of Draconis declared its independence from the Dominion of Unity. The Dominion vowed to fight to regain authority over the strategically important system. The Republic Intelligence Service and the Draconis government concocted a way to get military aid to Draconis without the Stellar Republic being seen as directly responsible for providing it.

These ships passed through several holding companies and front corporations, arriving after a few weeks of paper shuffling in the ownership of Draconis Defense Holdings, Inc. Getting ships was the easy part. Getting people to fly them? A bit harder. Soon, advertisements began to appear around the Republic and smaller, unaffiliated states: Starfighter pilots wanted! Good pay, good benefits, plenty of action! Advancement opportunities! Hundreds of pilots applied. Any active duty Republic Navy pilot who applied was granted indefinite leave. Many civilian pilots applied and were accepted as well. Even a handful of defecting Dominion pilots, disillusioned and tired of fighting for tyranny, were brought aboard. And so, the ships and crews of the Draconis Volunteer Group—Tachyon, Graviton, and Axion Squadrons—were assembled.

For the most part, galactic society would be recognizable to people in an industrialized country today. Money and Scarcity: The world of Tachyon Squadron is not a post-scarcity society. The official currency in the Stellar Republic is the credit, which is widely accepted across settled space, including Draconis. People still need to work for a living, food must be grown, products manufactured, resources mined, etc. Poverty remains a problem without an immediate solution. Economic policy, tax policy, and support for the poor varies across systems and governments. The government of Draconis is a popularly elected parliamentary democracy, but it is new and its institutions are still gaining strength. Social Issues: Populations across the Stellar Republic are both racially diverse and tolerant; the people of the Dominion of Unity tend to be personally tolerant even if its government is not.

Romantic partnerships of widely varying configurations and arrangements are generally accepted. It has five major planets, two of which are habitable without life support. Known jump points exist to four nearby star systems, two in the Stellar Republic Luyten and Gamma Corvus , and two in the Dominion of Unity Callisto and Beta Atria, but these points are no longer actively mapped. Other uncharted jump points might exist—information on their locations would be extremely valuable. Millions of people live here, whether on planetary surfaces or in one of the many space stations scattered through the system. Freedom from the Dominion has apparently inspired the entrepreneurial spirit— hundreds of small companies providing goods and services of all sorts have sprung up in the past two years. Mining and refining are by far the major industries, but a nascent high technology manufacturing sector is growing rapidly.

Shuttles carry people and cargo from planetside to orbit—sometimes docking at a space station, sometimes directly meeting up with a system ship or a starship to transfer their payload. Starfighters and small private vessels can easily perform atmospheric and landing operations. Shuttle service between Draconis Station and the planet surface is frequent, reliable, and inexpensive. The expense, power demands, and sheer bulk of hyperdrive equipment means only large cargo or passenger ships or big warships can utilize it. In Tachyon Squadron, hyperdrives are necessary to get from one star system to another. Most settled star systems have a Navigation Bureau whose job is to maintain accurate maps of jump points into and out of the system, but even with accurate maps you still need a trained navigator to plot your jump correctly.

Well over five million peoof landforms ple live in and around the main city Population: Over one of Prime Landing, which is located hundred million in a wide temperate valley along a large freshwater lake. Many square kilometers of the planet are devoted to agriculture, making the planet self-sufficient for food. A small but growing high-technology manufacturing industry exists on the planet, which would be an important target for any attacker. In the event of a Dominion attack on the planet, Tachyon Squadron will have to defend the new factories springing up outside of Prime Landing or escort shuttles to and from the planet surface. Day: 61 hours The planet Asami is a frozen wasteGravity: Normal land, with endless ice plains swept by Climate: Frigid, permanent blizzard conditions.

thousand in mining The air is breathable but equipment to settlements guard against the cold is essential. The mines are operated by rival companies Cherenkov Ventures and Deep Space Minerals Inc. The only non-mining settlement is Mosilli Outpost, a science station staffed by between scientists. These situation aspects are suitable for scenes on Asami: Dim and Dreary, Cold Without Mercy, Mineral Wealth Goes to the Strong The Galaxy PLANET ASAMI Things to do on Asami: Asami is ripe for infiltration by the Dominion. It would be unremarkable but for a mine run by Cherenkov Ventures located on the night side; the ships shuttling supplies, workers, and ore to and from the mine must carry heavy shielding against solar radiation.

These situation aspects are suitable for scenes on Takahashi: Tidal Locked, Light Gravity, No Atmosphere, Rugged Mountains, Deep Crevasses, Scorching Sun Day: Tidal locked permanent day, permanent night Gravity: Light gravity Climate: No atmosphere, scorched by Alpha Draconis Geography: Rugged mountains, deep crevasses Population: Things to do on Takahashi: In the event of piracy or Dominion raids, the DVG will have to defend the mine and traffic to and from it. KRIPKA ASTEROID CLUSTER ASTEROID BELT Prominent Asteroids: The Kripka Asteroid Cluster is a Lopez, Medupe, giant region dense with asteroids Shoujing and other debris. The entire region Population: Thousands, is exceedingly rich in valuable minerscattered across als, so a great number of tiny mining dozens of mining outposts and operations have sprung outposts up, most run by Deep Space Minerals Inc.

and Cherenkov Ventures, whose intense rivalry sometimes breaks out into violence. Unlicensed wildcat operations add another variable to an already explosive situation. The cluster is the perfect environment for hiding Dominion or pirate outposts. These situation aspects are suitable for scenes in the Kripka Asteroid Cluster: Radio Interference, Dangerous Navigation Things to do in the Kripka Asteroid Cluster: The region is lawless and requires regular patrols. The system government is centered here—the governor and elected System Council legislature have their main offices here, as does the Draconis Navy and the Customs Service. Many companies have their main system offices on Draconis Station, and thousands of people live here full-time.

The vast majority of interstellar travel originates or terminates at Draconis Station, and facilities exist for up to twenty large ships to be docked at the same time. Bays for many dozen planetary shuttles and system shuttles allow thousands to come and go daily. The headquarters of the DVG is assigned to Draconis Station, so squadrons of starfighters call the station home—and it is the permanent home base for Tachyon Squadron. Not that the station is a rose garden from end to end, of course. The station law enforcement is known to favor peace over justice. These situation aspects are suitable for scenes on Draconis Station: Bustling Corridors, A Little of Everything 92 Things to do on Draconis Station: While stationed at Draconis Station, pilots will fly all sorts of missions—space lane patrols, anti-piracy escort duty, station defense, and search and rescue are all common.

Outside the cockpit, there are other missions pilots will have to fulfill. Pilots are often asked to assist with cargo inspection and customs enforcement. They have been used as backup station law enforcement, especially against existential threats to the government such as Dominion spies and organized crime figures. Piracy in the system is a major problem, and there are known links between pirate bands and the criminal element on Draconis Station and elsewhere. Location: In orbit of the planet Draconis Purpose: Agriculture and food production Population: Almost one hundred Iringa is a small agricultural space station a short shuttle hop from Draconis Station.

Three small domed pods grow a variety of hydroponic crops mostly consumed by the residents of Draconis Station. Iringa was the first station built upon settling the system over two hundred years ago—it is in dire need of serious renovation or even replacement. Still, its loss due to enemy action or sheer mechanical breakdown would be a significant short-term problem, so Tachyon Squadron will need to pay a visit sooner or later. DRACONIS HULL YARDS SPACE STATION Location: In orbit of the planet Draconis Purpose: Ship construction and repair Population: Almost five hundred A trio of close-proximity stations totaling about half the size of Draconis Station, the Draconis Hull Yards are a shipbuilding facility in orbit of the planet Draconis, operated by Polaris Spacefaring Inc.

The Yards produce system ships, and there are rumors that they might begin producing starfighter space frames here. Several hundred construction engineers and technicians live here for monthlong shifts, along with a few dozen military and security personnel. These situation aspects are suitable for scenes on Draconis Hull Yards: Heavy Industry, Dangerous Machinery Things to do at the Hull Yards: Defending the Draconis Hull Yards is a major strategic goal of the DVG, so Tachyon Squadron pilots will be ordered to defend the station at any cost in the event of attack. Any sign of infiltration and sabotage must be investigated. Docking services are for ore shuttles and cargo ships only; unless you declare an emergency or make other prior arrangements, expect your docking requests to be denied.

The government of Draconis owns the station and leases processing time and equipment to companies like Deep Space Minerals Inc. and Cherenkov Ventures. Given its military significance, the station has recently had an antiship torpedo battery installed, staffed by a tiny crew of freshly trained Draconis Navy personnel. Not that the Dominion of Unity cares a great deal about the laws of armed conflict. Defense of APS is a high priority for Tachyon Squadron, and indeed the entire Volunteer Group and fledgling Draconis Navy. OUTPOST DIYI FLOATING PLATFORM Location: Kalamos Purpose: Gas extraction Population: The gas giant Kalamos is dominated by wide bands of rust-colored and white cloud banks, which provide the home of Kalamos Outpost Diyi. Over two hundred people live and work aboard this floating gas extraction platform that wanders the upper atmosphere.

Operated by Lantian Mandarin Chemicals Inc. The outpost hovers at an altitude where workers require supplemental oxygen but not pressure suits. These situation aspects are suitable for scenes on Outpost Diyi: Very Long Days, Highly Variable Winds, Thin Oxygen Things to do at Outpost Diyi: Investigation of infiltration or espionage aboard Outpost Diyi is vital to system security. This is an issue that will need to be addressed very soon. The five independent sections are connected by flexible tubing that delivers electrical power, communications, and electric zip shuttles between the sections. Dozens of square kilometers of hydroponic fields grow all sorts of crops. The food produced on the Hab can easily feed the space-borne population of the Draconis system; only farms on the surface of Draconis itself produce more. These situation aspects are suitable for scenes on the Hab: Amber Waves of Hydroponically Grown Grain Things to do on Habitat Othonoi Prime: The Hab is a top defensive priority of the Draconis Volunteer Group, so Tachyon Squadron would be ordered to defend it at all costs against a direct attack or sabotage.

PACZYNSKI STATION SPACE STATION Paczynski is a scientific survey station very nearly at the center of the mutual orbit point of Alpha Draconis and Beta Draconis. Location: At the point of mutual orbit of Alpha and Beta Draconis Purpose: Science and research Population: 25 Things to do on Paczynski Station: Paczynski is vulnerable to takeover by any unsavory characters who might want it—a turn of events that Tachyon Squadron would want to disrupt. For pilots, they immediately face severe limitations on material resources and, perhaps more importantly, time.

THE ROUTINE Most days tend to settle into a fairly standard routine. When their duty shift starts, pilots attend a briefing first thing to learn about new threat assessments and missions for the day. They fly a mission and, time allowing, spend a few hours on ready alert in case additional ships need to be scrambled. Once the duty shift is over, pilots can pursue whatever activities they wish. Usually sleep figures prominently in this, but recreation, doing extra maintenance, and such is important too. There are faster starfighters out there, there are starfighters that look sexier and carry bigger guns, but the Blackfish is a good, solid bird. Fly it with pride and confidence. Defended bases, such as Draconis Station, ensure there are always at least a pair of fighters in the sky at any given time, with another pair on alert ready to scramble.

Similar are space lane patrols, which can last for many hours—fighters cruise the common travel routes of commercial and civilian ship traffic, discouraging piracy, intercepting surprise Dominion raids, and rendering assistance when requested. Disabled pleasure yachts, marooned pilots who ejected from doomed starfighters, a cargo ship fighting a major engine fire, or any of a thousand other possible disasters. Disclaimer : I translated some past FATE products from Evil Hat, in French. Summary : A nice product, with some strong parts system for fighter space fights, new ru [ Dillard R. BLUF: It is a good supplement. Not exceptional. You can always use a scyfy military game. I loved BSG and Space Above and Beyond so this is right up my alley. I love Military Sci-Fi, such as th [ See All Ratings and Reviews. Browse Categories. September Setting Sale Week One.

Rule System. Apocalypse World Engine. BRP Basic Roleplaying. Forged in the Dark. Modiphius 2d Old-School Revival OSR. Savage Worlds. Product Type. Core Rulebooks. Non-Core Books. Other Tabletop Games. Gift Certificates. Publisher Resources. Family Gaming. Science Fiction. File Type. Virtual Tabletops. Creation Method. Japanese 日本語. Korean 한국어. Zhongwen 中文. Evil Hat Productions, LLC. Pay What You Want. See all titles. Publisher Website. Follow Your Favorites! Sign in to get custom notifications of new products! Recent History. Product Information. Copy Link Tweet This. Clark Valentine. Brett Barkley. Original electronic Scanned image These products were created by scanning an original printed edition. Most older books are in scanned image format because original digital layout files never existed or were no longer available from the publisher.

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Unfortunately, the resulting quality of these books is not as high. It's the problem of making a copy of a copy. Moiré patterns may develop in photos. We mark clearly which print titles come from scanned image books so that you can make an informed purchase decision about the quality of what you will receive. Original electronic format These ebooks were created from the original electronic layout files, and therefore are fully text searchable. Also, their file size tends to be smaller than scanned image books. Most newer books are in the original electronic format. Both download and print editions of such books should be high quality. File Last Updated:. This title was added to our catalog on October 09, Publisher Average Rating.

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The universe is in trouble. Take your stand against the overreaching arms of the Dominion of Unity. Stand up against piracy and lawlessness. Ensure that all members of the Draconis system enjoy peace and prosperity. Join the Tachyon Squadron arm of the Draconis Volunteer Group! Engage in interstellar combat; steer your ship among the stars, and join your fellow fighter pilots in a quest for danger, glory, and victory. Tachyon Squadron is a Fate Core supplement that blends space opera and military sci-fi. The game requires Fate Core to play. This page book includes:. The Largest RPG Download Store! Log In. New Account or Log In. Hide my password. Get the newsletter. Subscribe to get the free product of the week! One-click unsubscribe later if you don't enjoy the newsletter.

Log In with Facebook. Log In I am new here. Remember me. Error: No match for email address or password. Password forgotten? Click here. Advanced Search. Tachyon Squadron. From Evil Hat Productions, LLC. Average Rating 29 ratings. Join the ace pilots of the Tachyon Squadron. Enlist today! This page book includes: A highly structured starfighter combat engagement system, with a focus on phased combat and maneuvering for advantage Instructions on creating fighter pilot characters in Fate, including pilot interactions and vices to blow off steam between battles Personal and gear stunts, which provide a streamlined mechanic for sci-fi necessities like energy blasters, hand scanners, and deflector screens An overview of the galaxy and the key players within it A sample mission: The Pirates of the Kepler Valley The Tachyon Squadron needs you! Bundles containing this product:. Customers Who Bought this Title also Purchased. Reviews 4. Please log in to add or reply to comments.

Alan C L July 08, am UTC. I own Fate Accelerated and I. Prefer it to Fate Core, how difficult would this be to adapt to Fate accelerated instead of Fate Core? Kurt R August 26, pm UTC. Dillard R October 17, am UTC. So why no mention of the Flying Tigers? Given the obvious connection. Jeff P. If you aren't familiar with Fate Core, you probably should be-- it's one of the easiest, fastest-playing, most versatile systems out there. If you already play Fate Core, you know what a fantast [ Michael F. Layout was great. New fighter rules look fun and engaging and adaptable so when I get around to kitbashing Crimsion skies and fate using this chracter creation easy and again adaptable.

World is basically open with a few settings but no major spoil [ Geoffrey S. This is a read review of the pdf, which I kickstarted. Disclaimer : I translated some past FATE products from Evil Hat, in French. Summary : A nice product, with some strong parts system for fighter space fights, new ru [ Dillard R. BLUF: It is a good supplement. Not exceptional. You can always use a scyfy military game. I loved BSG and Space Above and Beyond so this is right up my alley. I love Military Sci-Fi, such as th [ See All Ratings and Reviews. Browse Categories. September Setting Sale Week One. Rule System. Apocalypse World Engine. BRP Basic Roleplaying. Forged in the Dark. Modiphius 2d Old-School Revival OSR. Savage Worlds. Product Type. Core Rulebooks.

Non-Core Books. Other Tabletop Games. Gift Certificates. Publisher Resources. Family Gaming. Science Fiction. File Type. Virtual Tabletops. Creation Method. Japanese 日本語. Korean 한국어. Zhongwen 中文. Evil Hat Productions, LLC. Pay What You Want. See all titles. Publisher Website. Follow Your Favorites! Sign in to get custom notifications of new products! Recent History. Product Information. Copy Link Tweet This. Clark Valentine. Brett Barkley. Original electronic Scanned image These products were created by scanning an original printed edition.

Most older books are in scanned image format because original digital layout files never existed or were no longer available from the publisher. For PDF download editions, each page has been run through Optical Character Recognition OCR software to attempt to decipher the printed text. The result of this OCR process is placed invisibly behind the picture of each scanned page, to allow for text searching. However, any text in a given book set on a graphical background or in handwritten fonts would most likely not be picked up by the OCR software, and is therefore not searchable. Also, a few larger books may be resampled to fit into the system, and may not have this searchable text background. For printed books, we have performed high-resolution scans of an original hardcopy of the book.

Download 389101026-tachyon-squadron-2018.pdf,Roleplaying Games

Tachyon Squadron (Fate Core RPG) by Evil Hat Productions» Download the advance PDF here! — Kickstarter Tachyon Squadron (Fate Core RPG) A Fate Core RPG setting featuring Join the Tachyon Squadron arm of the Draconis Volunteer Group! Engage in interstellar combat; steer your ship among the stars, and join your fellow fighter pilots in a quest for danger, glory, Print out these paper spaceship miniatures for use with Tachyon Squadron and other space-faring games! 15 styles of ships are supported here with several methods (stand-up, square Tachyon Squadron is a Fate Core supplement that blends space opera and military sci-fi. The game requires Fate Core to play. This book includes: A highly structured starfighter combat engagement system, with a focus on phased combat and maneuvering for advantage Instructions on creating fighter pilot characters in Fate, including pilot 09/10/ · The Largest RPG Download Store! Quick Preview Full‑size Preview Tachyon Squadron From Evil Hat Productions, LLC ADD TO WISHLIST > PDF $ $ Average Tachyon Squadron: Print & Play Ship Minis. No thanks, just take me to the downloads. Included files. Tachyon Squadron Print and Play Paper (4 MB) Support the ... read more

It's the problem of making a copy of a copy. Also, their file size tends to be smaller than scanned image books. Ship destroyed. And so, the ships and crews of the Draconis Volunteer Group—Tachyon, Graviton, and Axion Squadrons—were assembled. The modules are limited in number, so they should be used carefully.

His wealth of natural talent impressed the squadron leadership, who took him on despite his lack of combat experience. How to Sell on DriveThruRPG. The Blackfish is considered a multirole fighter. Fate Core System FREE [PDF]. These skill arrays are incomplete—fill in the rest as you see fit, tachyon squadron pdf download. item s available.

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