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Vertebrate Endocrinology written by David O. Norris and has been published by Academic Press this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been 02/12/ · Vertebrate Endocrinology Norris Pdf Free Download 02 Dec, Post a Comment English This product may take a few minutes to download. About 02/12/ · Dr. David O. Norris (B.S., Baldwin Wallace University, ; PhD , University of Washington) was a professor at the University of Colorado for 46 years where he studied 27/11/ · eBook ISBN: Description One of the only books to discuss all vertebrates, the fourth edition of Vertebrate Endocrinology has been completely 14/04/ · [DOWNLOAD] Vertebrate Endocrinology by David O. Norris, James A. Carr ~ eBook PDF Kindle ePub Free April 14, Post a Comment �� Read Now �� Download ... read more

There are numerous examples of basic research in non-mammalian vertebrates that have had direct applications to human biology. For example, Spiedel made the first observation of neurosecretory neurons in the posterior spinal cord of fishes. Later, Ernst and Berta Scharrer extended this observation to the description of the hypothalamus-pituitary neuroendocrine system. Genetically controlled platyfish strains have provided a system for studying the bioregulation of aging and the reproductive system in relationship to genetic factors. Many species of fishes are used extensively as models for stress, growth, carcinogenesis, aging, and behavioral studies. The toad urinary bladder was an excellent in-vitro model for the initial studies of the mechanism of action for the mineralocorticoid hormone, aldosterone. Similarly, the amphibian ovarian follicle has provided an in-vitro system for studying the bioregulation of oocyte maturation and the process of ovulation.

Studies of non-mammals have been crucial for understanding mechanisms of tissue induction and chemical regulation of gene activity during embryonic development and differentiation. Numerous important hypotheses about development were first tested in amphibians. The discovery by Alberto Houssay that removal of the pituitary gland greatly reduced the severity of the removal of the pancreas in a toad became a model for studying diabetes mellitus using dogs. The origin of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone GnRH in neural ectoderm and the subsequent migration of GnRH neurons from the olfactory placode to the hypothalamus were first reported by Linda Muske and Frank Moore in an amphibian. Additional confirmation of the origin of the pituitary was performed using transplantation of normally pigmented toad embryonic cells into albino toad embryos and following their pigmented descendents.

Furthermore, ingenious experiments using chicken-quail chimaeras with cytologically distinct cell markers verified the neural origin of a number of endocrine cells. The lizard Anolis carolinensis was used by Richard Jones to study hormonal and neural control of the alternating pattern of ovulation by the paired ovaries, a phenomenon that also occurs in humans where it is more difficult to study. Avian systems have been used extensively for studies of development, neurobiology, immunology, cancer, and molecular genetics. Anne McNabb has used the quail as a model for the actions of a common pollutant, ammonium perchlorate, on the inhibition of thyroid function. The discovery of pheromones among invertebrates and later studies in non-mammalian vertebrates as well as in mice and voles have led to new understandings in the roles of such secretions controlling mammalian reproductive and maternal behavior.

Each of these systems has wide applicability to other vertebrates as well as to the mechanisms of hormone actions. The Origins of Bioregulation Regulatory chemicals were probably essential for the survival of the first living cells both for coordination of internal events and for cell-to-cell interactions. Secretions that favored survival of the secreting cell no doubt led to further evolution of new chemical bioregulators. Thus, bioregulation probably had its origin in local secretions that affected nearby cells as well as bioregulators that affected internal cellular processes. The evolution of multicellular aggregates and eventually of multicellular organisms allowed further cell-tocell types of bioregulation but more importantly allowed for the eventual evolution of endocrine and neural bioregulation.

The earliest appearance of neurons is noted in the most primitive of multicellular animals, the cnidarian invertebrates Cnidaria , and these neurons secrete both peptides and non-peptides that function as typical neural and local bioregulators. By definition, true endocrine glands that secrete hormones did not appear until the type of internal transport mechanisms we call blood vascular systems. These bioregulatory systems have been termed neuroendocrine systems since they involve both neural and endocrine components. Complex neuroendocrine systems have evolved in annelids Annelida , mollusks Mollusca , insects, arachnids, and crustaceans Arthropoda as well as in the chordates including the vertebrates. An Overview of Chemical Bioregulation in Vertebrates III.

Categories of Bioregulators In addition to traditional endocrine regulation, we now recognize several other patterns of chemical bioregulation as illustrated in Figure The first of these involves the nervous system. Neurons produce bioregulators called neurotransmitters or neuromodulators that are secreted into the synapses formed where they make direct connections with their target cells typically other neurons, muscle cells, or gland cells. Once the neuroregulator is bound to its receptor molecule, it brings about distinct changes in the postsynaptic cell. The parallelisms between endocrine cell and neuron, hormone and neurotransmitter, target cell and postsynaptic cell are obvious. Only the location and chemical composition of the medium through which the bioregulator travels to reach its target cell separate hormones from neurotransmitters. In the s, Berta and Ernst Scharrer recognized that some neural regulators were released into the blood like hormones.

These neural hormones were named neurosecretions or neurohormones to distinguish them from neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, and the traditional hormones. It seems that it was easier to formulate more definitions than to acknowledge that certain brain regions were also endocrine glands. Figure Bioregulator organization. Target cells may produce feedback dashed lines on neuroendocrine or endocrine cells. The liver and kidney serve as major sites for metabolism and excretion of bioregulators. Categories of Bioregulators Those neurons that secrete neurohormones are sometimes called neurosecretory neurons to distinguish them from the others. The term neurocrine has been suggested as a general category to include all of these neural regulators that is, neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, and neurohormones.

Although all neurocrines are actually neurosecretions, that latter term has unaccountably been reserved for the neurohormones. Later, the separation of neural and endocrine systems became even more blurred when it was learned that some established hormones also were produced within the nervous system where they functioned as neurotransmitters or neuromodulators see Table It soon became common knowledge that the neural system had control over certain portions of the endocrine system through direct innervation or via neurohormones. Likewise, hormones were seen to influence markedly not only the development of neural systems but also their activity. Hence, the concept of a neuroendocrine system was established in physiology. Discovery of specific chemicals produced by diverse cellular types and released into extracellular fluids including blood has broadened the concept of chemical bioregulation still further to include cell-to-cell chemical communication that is not mediated via transport in the blood or at a synapse.

Additional sources of hormones were discovered to come from traditionally non-endocrine tissues or organs such as the heart, the liver, adipose tissue, and skeletal muscle. Chemical bioregulators were also discovered that are used for cell-to-cell communication within tissues. This category includes locally acting growth factors, mitogenic regulators, embryonic tissue-inducing substances, secretogogues secretion-enhancing factors , inhibitors, and immune regulators. If cytocrines also affect the emitting cell, they are sometimes termed autocrines. When they affect other cell types, they are called paracrines.

However, both types of local cytocrine secretion into the general extracellular fluids are sometimes loosely termed as paracrine secretion. Table An Overview of Chemical Bioregulation in Vertebrates Chemicals released from neurons into the cerebrospinal fluid CSF do not quite fit the definition of neurohormone since they are released into a filtrate of blood but they do not quite fit the definition of paracrine secretion, either. For our purposes, we will refer to these bioregulators as neurohormones. Intracellular chemical messengers that govern intracellular events have been called intracrines. These intracrine bioregulators would include chemicals such as the second messengers and transcription factors that are discussed in Chapter 3. In its broadest sense, the study of bioregulation may include specific chemical messengers released by one organism into its environment that may affect the physiology or behavior of other individuals of that species or even of another species.

Examples of exocrine glands include salivary glands, sweat glands, mammary glands, and portions of the liver and pancreas. Three subclasses of semiochemicals have been identified on functional bases. Pheromones are semiochemicals that act only on other members of the same species. Primer pheromones usually initiate a series of physiological events such as gonadal maturation. Signal or releaser pheromones trigger immediate behavioral responses such as sexual attraction or copulation. Allelomones are interspecific semiochemicals and are further separated into two types. If only the emitter of the semiochemical benefits from the effect on the other species, the allelomone is called an allomone. The well-known odor released by skunks is a dramatic example of an allomone that protects the skunk from would-be predators. When only the recipient species benefits, the allelomone may be termed a kairomone.

The release of the simple metabolite L-lactate in sweat of humans attracts female mosquitoes that obtain a blood meal necessary for their reproduction. L-lactate, then, could be classified as a kairomone, for there is no obvious benefit to the emitter and in fact may harm the emitter. In summary, intra-organismal bioregulation can be classified as endocrine hormones , neurocrine neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, neurohormones , paracrine cytocrines, autocrines , or intracrine intracellular regulatory messengers. Semiochemicals pheromones and allelomones are specialized for interorganismal communication. A listing of these types of bioregulators and their definitions is provided in Table Most bioregulators are peptides, proteins, or derivatives of amino acids. Some are lipids e. A discussion of the chemical nature of regulators, how they are synthesized, how they produce their effects on targets, and how they are metabolized is the subject of Table Types of Regulators Agent Description Neurotransmitter Secreted by neurons into synaptic space Neuromodulator Secreted by neurons into synaptic space; modulates sensitivity of postsynaptic cell to other neurotransmitters Secreted by neurons into the blood or CSF; may be stored in neurohemal organ prior to release Secreted by specialized nonneural cells into the blood Secreted by cells into the surrounding extracellular fluid; these local regulators typically travel short distances to nearby target cells Secreted by cells that affect other cell types Neurohormone Hormone Cytocrine Paracrine Autocrine Intracrine Semiochemical Secreted by cells that affect emitting cells Intracellular messengers; typically mediators of other regulators that bind to membrane receptors Secreted into environment See Appendix A for explanation of abbreviations.

Examples Acetylcholine, dopamine, substance P, GABA Endorphins and various other neuropeptides TRH, CRH, oxytocin, dopamine Thyroxine, GH, insulin Somatostatin, norepinephrine Embryonic inducers, somatostatin, interleukins Mitogenic agents, interleukins cAMP, DAG, IP3 , cGMP, calmodulin, calcium ions Pheromones, allelomones 7 IV. General Organization of Bioregulatory Systems Chapter 3. However, before examining these bioregulators more closely, we must consider some more general features of bioregulatory systems.

General Organization of Bioregulatory Systems As stated above, the endocrine system and the nervous system are the sources for most of the chemical messengers we have defined as bioregulators. Traditionally, the vertebrate neuroendocrine system includes the brain and the pituitary gland plus the classical endocrine glands they control: the thyroid gland, the paired adrenal glands and gonads testes and ovaries , and the liver. This would include the parathyroid glands, the thymus, the endocrine pancreas, organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the pineal gland, and the kidney. The major focus of this textbook is on the neuroendocrine systems of mammals and non-mammalian vertebrates. The independent endocrine glands are discussed in special cases for example, the regulation of calcium homeostasis, in Chapter 14 and when they interact with the bioregulators of the neuroendocrine system such as in the bioregulation of metabolism Chapters 12 and The vertebrate bioregulatory system is outlined in Figure with emphasis on neuroendocrine bioregulation.

The major portion of the brain involved in neuroendocrine bioregulation is called the hypothalamus, that portion of the diencephalic region of the mammalian brain directly above the pituitary gland. The detailed organization and operation of this system are described in Chapters 4 and 5. Special groups of neurosecretory neurons in the hypothalamus produce a variety of neurohormones. Some of these neurohormones control the secretion by the pituitary gland of peptide and protein hormones called tropic hormones. These tropic hormones regulate the endocrine activities of the thyroid gland which secretes thyroid hormones; see Chapters 6 and 7 , the adrenal cortex which secretes corticosteroids; Chapters 8 and 9 , the gonads which secrete reproductive steroids; Chapters 10 and 11 and the liver which secretes an essential factor for growth; Chapter 4. Furthermore, some tropic hormones influence more general aspects of growth, metabolism, and reproduction and affect many non-endocrine target tissues.

Additional neurohormones vasopressin and oxytocin are stored in part of the pituitary until they are needed Chapters 4 and 5. Vasopressin influences kidney function and reproductive behavior and oxytocin plays many reproductive roles related to both physiology and behavior. Table is a partial listing of bioregulators that are discussed in this book. In addition to their names and abbreviations, their sources, targets, and general effects on the targets are provided. Inputs Levels 1 Hypothalamus Releasing hormone s 2 Pituitary Tropic hormone s 3 Endocrine gland Hormone s 4 Target organ Intracrines Effect Figure Functional conceptualization of the hypothalamus-pituitary system.

Input from other endogenous or exogenous factors can affect every level of regulation. See text for discussion of the roles of these bioregulators at each level. An Overview of Chemical Bioregulation in Vertebrates Table General Organization of Bioregulatory Systems Table Endocrine pancreas Glycogen storage Glucose uptake Inhibits fat hydrolysis Antiinsulin actions?? Blocks release of pancreatic hormones Gastric glands of stomach Stimulates acid secretion into lumen Stimulates feeding Brain Exocrine pancreas Exocrine pancreas Gallbladder Gastrin-releasing peptide Glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide Gastric inhibitory peptide, GIP Motilin Stomach gastrin cells Endocrine pancreas Somatostatin paracrine action Small intestine Vasoactive intestinal peptide VIP Visceral blood vessels Liver Insulin-like growth factors IGF-I, IGF-II Synlactin?

One or more alternative names may be used for a regulator and some of these alternates appear within parentheses. b Alternate names are given in parentheses, along with the most common abbreviation. c Exact chemical nature not clear see Chapter 4 for more details. d Some mammals may rely on a different nonapeptide e. e Secretory cells derived from ultimobranchial gland in mammals become incorporated into the thyroid see Chapter f May require conversion into estrogens within certain brain target cells before effect is observed see Chapter g Cholecalciferol is made in skin and converted in liver to precursor kidney uses to make 1,DHC see Chapter An Overview of Chemical Bioregulation in Vertebrates V. Cell and Tissue Organization of Bioregulatory Systems Endocrine and neuroendocrine cells can be identified easily on the basis of their cytological features as specialized secretory cells Figure Peptide-secreting cells have well developed rough endoplasmic reticula and typically contain many protein-filled storage granules or vesicles see Appendix B for a brief description of cellular structures.

Mitochondria of peptide-secreting cells have flat, platelike cristae. The morphology and content of the protein storage granules may be used to differentiate specific types of endocrine cells. For example, the various tropic hormone-secreting cells of the anterior pituitary can be partially identified by the differential sizes of their storage granules or by special immunochemical methods see Chapters 2 and 4. In contrast, steroid-secreting cells have well-developed smooth endoplasmic reticula, and their mitochondria have tubular cristae compare steroid- and peptide-secreting cells as shown in Fig. Steroids are usually not stored in their cells of origin, but lipid droplets containing cholesterol, the precursor steroid for their synthesis, are commonly observed. Neurosecretory neurons and regular neurons are not only specialized elongated cells that are readily identifiable but also contain discrete synaptic vesicles containing neurocrine products in their axonal tips that characterize them as secretory cells.

Neurosecretory neurons tend to be larger than ordinary neurons. Neurons secreting peptides contain larger, dense granules than those secreting nonpeptides such as catecholamines or acetylcholine. For example, the synaptic vesicles for acetylcholine are 30—45 nm in diameter, those for norepinephrine are about 70 nm, whereas peptide-containing vesicles are — nm. A Figure B Cytology of hormone-secreting cells. A Microscopic appearance of a steroid-secreting cell. These adrenocortical cells from juvenile salmon that secrete the steroid cortisol exhibit mitochondria with tubular cristae and an abundance of smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

B A growth hormone-secreting cell from the coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch showing dense secretory granules, well-developed Golgi apparatus, and mitochondria with platelike cristae. Courtesy of Howard A. Bern and Richard Nishioka, University of California, Berkeley. Cell and Tissue Organization of Bioregulatory Systems 11 In the central nervous system, the cell bodies of neurons are localized in groupings called nuclei and their axons often form specific tracts connecting to other nuclei, blood vessels, or the cerebrospinal fluid, or they may exit from the central nervous system as nerves. In fact, neurosecretory neurons were first characterized as unique because their cell bodies in neurosecretory nuclei and axons in neurosecretory tracts contained materials that stain with certain dyes, distinguishing these cells from ordinary neurons. However, these general methods usually did not distinguish between different kinds of neurosecretory neurons. Modern immunological techniques now allow us to identify each type of neurosecretory or ordinary neuron with respect to its particular secretions see Chapter 2.

Another factor that helped in the early identification of endocrine cells was their anatomical relationship to one another in forming discrete tissues. Many endocrine cells are specialized epithelial cells that tend to be clumped in groups that are organized in one of the following ways see Appendix B for descriptions of epithelia and other tissue types. The most common orientation of secretory cells is to form folded sheets or cords of cells as seen in the pituitary gland or the adrenal cortex Figure In a few cases, the cells may Figure Organization of endocrine cells. Most commonly, endocrine cells appear as folded cords of cells. A follicles consisting of an epithelium surrounding a fluid-filled lumen. B or small clumps of cells or islet. C Additionally, endocrine cells may occur singly as is common in the lining of the gastrointestinal tract.

A is from a teleost pituitary, B is from a dog thyroid, C is from the rat pancreas. This arrangement is termed a follicle and occurs in the thyroid gland of all vertebrates and in the pituitaries of some vertebrates. The lumen provides a unique storage site for secretions of the follicular cells. Sometimes, the endocrine cells will be separated into scattered clumps or islets of a few cells. Mixed islets containing several secretory cell types are best known in the pancreas where they are called the islets of Langerhans. Many cells that secrete bioregulators are not histologically distinct i. One of the reasons it took so long to identify the sources of gastrointestinal hormones was due to the tendency for these secretory types to occur as isolated endocrine cells mixed in with many other cell types in the stomach and intestinal walls see Chapter Another critical feature of neuroendocrine organization is the presence of an extensive vascular supply for endocrine cells and neurosecretory neurons.

Endocrine glands typically are highly vascularized such that no secretory cell is far from a blood vessel. The axonal endings of many neurosecretory neurons terminate collectively in masses of capillaries to form what is called a neurohemal organ. These neurosecretory neurons release their neurohormones into the blood that flows through the neurohemal organ. Some neurosecretory neurons that release their products into the cerebrospinal fluid do not form axonal aggregates at common release sites. Most regulatory cells employ merocrine secretion where secretory products are released by exocytosis with no damage to the cell. In apocrine secretion, the apical portion or tip of the cell is sloughed along with stored secretions whereas holocrine secretion involves lysis and death of the secretory cell.

These latter two patterns are more characteristic of exocrine glands such as the mammary gland apocrine or the sebaceous glands of the skin holocrine. Cytogenous secretion is the release of entire cells such as sperm released from testes or ova released from ovaries. These secretory patterns are summarized in Table Homeostasis Bioregulatory mechanisms are the bases for controlling all physiology and behavior. It is through these mechanisms that homeostatic balance and survival in a harsh and dangerous environment is possible. Although Claude Bernard formulated the concept of homeostasis in the 19th century, it was the American physiologist Walter B. Cannon who in coined the term homeostasis to describe balanced physiological systems operating in the organism to maintain a dynamic equilibrium; that is, a relatively constant steady state maintained within certain tolerable limits.

Homeostasis 13 The constant conditions which are maintained in the body might be termed equilibria. That word, however, has come to have fairly exact meaning as applied to relatively simple physico-chemical states, in closed systems, where known forces are balanced. The coordinated physiological processes which maintain most of the steady states in the organism are so complex and so peculiar to living beings - involving, as they may, the brain and nerves, the heart, lungs, kidneys and spleen, all working cooperatively - that I have suggested a special designation for these states, homeostasis. The word does not imply something immobile, a stagnation. It means a condition - a condition which may vary, but which is relatively constant.

Walter B. When attempting to comprehend physiological systems, it is helpful to employ simplified models that simulate the various components of the system in a way that is easy to grasp and at the same time provide insights into how the system works as well as predictions on how it will respond to disturbances. In the following paragraphs, we will consider a very simple model of a basic bioregulatory mechanism operating for all physiological systems and provide some insight on how to use this model to understand complicated, integrated endocrine systems such as those discussed in later chapters. A Homeostatic Reflex Model In this model, information I is any stimulus that can provide quantitative or qualitative cues detectable is some way by the system.

The basic model is depicted in Figure The information is detected by a receptor R or transducer of some sort that translates transduces this information into the language of the bioregulatory system. For example, pressure may cause sodium ions to enter a neuron, depolarizing the cell membrane and inducing an action potential that in turn causes a nerve impulse to be generated. The controller uses a preprogrammed set of instructions to compare the input with a set point and determines whether any adjustments are warranted. If the controller ascertains adjustments are Figure A homeostatic model. This simple homeostatic mechanism could represent a single cell as well as an endocrine or neurocrine unit.

The controller compares the input to a programmed set point and makes physiological adjusts as needed by producing output. Since this type of feedback drives the system toward the set point, it is called negative feedback. An Overview of Chemical Bioregulation in Vertebrates needed to maintain or regain homeostatic balance, it will direct a message called output O; for example, the nerve impulse and release of a neurotransmitter to one or more effectors E; for example, a post-synaptic muscle cell which will perform some specific action effect, Ef which, in turn, will bring about corrective changes in the system contraction of the muscle cell.

The responsiveness of the controller may be influenced by input received from other homeostatic bioregulators Figure These additional inputs may enhance or reduce the output of the controller through altering its sensitivity to other input or by adjusting the set point. Corrective changes signaled in response to output from the controller will alter the nature of the information originally perceived by the receptors. The controller will be notified immediately by new information detected by receptors if the response has been sufficient and appropriate through a pathway called feedback. If the response was insufficient, the controller may increase its output to elevate the effector response. If an overcorrection or overshoot has occurred, the controller will alter its output accordingly and may even generate new output to other effectors to bring the system into line with the preprogrammed set point. Therefore, the set point represents the optimal physiological condition.

The feedback loop that drives a physiological system toward the preprogrammed set point is called negative feedback. Any disturbance, regardless of the direction of the disturbance i. Consider a controlled temperature room as a physical model of a simple control system similar to what was described for a biological system. The programmable thermostat represents both the receptor and controller components; an air conditioner and a heater are the effectors. Mechanical deformations produced in a bimetal strip receptor exposed to the air temperature information of the room are transduced into electrical current input. The controller compares this input with the preprogrammed temperature set point and electrically turns on or off output the appropriate effector to maintain a constant temperature homeostasis.

The new air temperature will be detected by the same receptor and new input will be sent to the controller that will continue to make adjustments to drive the system toward the set point negative feedback. Under some conditions, feedback may drive a system away from the preprogrammed condition. Such a feedback loop is called positive feedback, and it drives a system to a different level of activity. Positive feedback is invoked where a rapid change is required, may be associated with an emergency type response, or might be responsible for short-term adaptations to complete a series of changes.

The rapid influx of sodium during generation of an action potential, the physiological stress response, certain events during ovulation, and the induction of sexual maturation are all examples of events that employ positive feedback. In general, positive feedback is important for short-term events but is detrimental over longer time periods and can lead to the death of the animal if it persists. In contrast, long-term negative feedback generally is advantageous to survival as it helps maintain homeostatic balance in the face of environmental or internal changes. Negative feedback is the most common type of feedback in physiological systems. In certain instances, changes in a regulated variable are anticipated through feedforward regulation that accelerates homeostatic responses and minimizes fluctuations in the regulated variable.

For example, the regulation of internal body temperature involves a classical negative-feedback loop based on the temperature of the blood flowing to the brain. However, changes in body surface temperature before internal temperatures are affected can send additional input to the brain that begins making appropriate adjustments in temperature production and conservation or dissipation of heat to ward off changes in internal body temperature predicted by the input from the skin. Secretions invoked by the digestive system following appearance of glucose in the small intestine result in secretion of insulin from the endocrine pancreas even before blood sugar has become elevated, the normal homeostatic stimulus causing insulin release. These are examples of feedforward regulation. To apply this homeostatic reflex model to any bioregulatory mechanism, one must ask a series of simple questions.

First of all, on what information does the system cue? What are the receptors and where are they located? What sort of input is generated by this stimulus and how is it conducted to the controller? What is the controller and where is it located? What is the set point? What sort of output is generated? What are the effectors and what effects are produced? What change in the system results and how does feedback occur? Is there negative, positive, or feedforward regulation involved? When examining chemically regulated systems, you will soon discover that complicated responses involve the integration of many different simple homeostatic reflexes. An excellent example of the integration of individual reflexes is the neuroendocrine reflex. A typical vertebrate neuroendocrine reflex is represented by the adrenal endocrine axis in Figure The liver cell can be considered an effector target cell whose activity is regulated by a steroid hormone e.

This would make the adrenal cortex the controller, but the adrenal cortex is also an effector for the anterior pituitary that controls its activity through output of a tropic hormone, corticotropin or ACTH. In turn, the anterior pituitary is also an effector for a neurohormone corticotropinreleasing hormone, CRH from the hypothalamus arbitrarily labeled the controller in this diagram. Only the major or primary feedback loop of cortisol is shown, but other feedback loops may be operating in this system see Chapters 4 and 9. In this neuroendocrine reflex, we have indicated that the hypothalamic controller receives information via the blood Int-I but it also can be affected from information accumulated through a variety of receptors associated with other reflexes Ext-I. Two neural reflex loops are shown, each with its own receptor and controller that might send modulating input to the hypothalamic controller, altering the set point or telling the hypothalamus to ignore the set point altogether.

In spite of the apparent complexity of this neuroendocrine reflex as compared to our basic model, one simply asks the same series of questions given above for each level in the system until an understanding is achieved of the integrated whole. A complex homeostatic system. This mechanism involves the interaction of neurohormones and hormones to control more complicated events. Note that multiple receptors, multiple effectors, and multiple feedback loops may occur. An Overview of Chemical Bioregulation in Vertebrates VII. Endocrine Disruption of Homeostasis Traditionally, clinical endocrinology has dealt with disorders of the endocrine system that involve a disruption of homeostasis. Because of the broad actions of hormonal chemical regulators, homeostasis can be profoundly affected by endocrine imbalances. A listing of some well-characterized endocrine disorders is provided in Table These disorders are discussed in later chapters after the normal functional aspects of the systems are described.

A recent focus for endocrinologists is the potential for disruption of endocrine functions in natural ecosystems caused by the presence of discarded chemicals in our surroundings, exposures at work, or through daily Table Characterized by a permanent neurological and skeletal retardation and results from an inadequate output of thyroid hormone during uterine and neonatal life; may be caused by iodine deficiency, thyroid hypoplasia, genetic enzyme defects, or excessive maternal intake of goitrogens. Hypercortisolism resulting from the presence of small pituitary tumors which secrete ACTH leading to excess production of cortisol by the adrenals. The circumstance of glucocorticoid excess without specification of the specific etiology; it may result from endogenous causes but is more commonly iatrogenic physician-induced.

A deficient secretion of vasopressin which is manifested clinically as diabetes insipidus; it is a disorder characterized by the excretion of an increased volume of dilute urine. A disease characterized by a chronic disorder of intermediary metabolism due to a relative lack of insulin which is characterized by hyperglycemia in both the postprandial and fasting state see also types I and II diabetes mellitus. The form of diabetes that usually appears in the second and third decades of life and is characterized by a destruction of the pancreas B cells; this form of the disease is normally treated with daily administration of insulin. The form of diabetes often arising after the fourth decade, usually in obese individuals; this form of the disease does not normally require treatment with insulin. Feminization of males, usually as manifested by enlargement of the breasts gynecomastia which can be attributed to an increase in estrogen levels relative to the prevailing androgen levels.

A condition usually caused by craniopharyngioma a tumor of the hypothalamus which results in a combination of obesity and hypogonadism; sometimes termed adiposogenital dystrophy The persistent discharge from the breast of a fluid that resembles milk and that occurs in the absence of parturition or else persists postpartum 4—6 months after the cessation of nursing. This condition appears in the first year of life and is characterized by a rapid weight and height gain; affected children usually have a large head and mental retardation; to date no specific endocrine abnormalites have been detected. Goiter may be defined as a thyroid gland that is twice its normal size; endemic goiter is the major thyroid disease throughout the world.

Goiter is frequently associated with a dietary iodine deficiency; in instances of sporadic goiter it may occur as a consequence of a congenital defect in thyroid hormone synthesis. An autoimmune disease characterized by the presence in serum of a long-acting thyroid stimulator LATS that is an antibody for the receptor for TSH. Abnormal breast enlargement which may occur in males during puberty. continues 17 VII. Endocrine Disruption of Homeostasis Table An inappropriate secretion of aldosterone. It can occur as a primary adrenal problem e. Inappropriately high secretion of PTH leading to hypercalcemia.

Frequently associated with the hyperparathyroidism is a metabolic bone disease characterized by excessive bone calcium reabsorption; frequently attributable to an adenoma of the parathyroid gland. Inappropriately low secretion of PTH, leading to hypocalcemia; the disease is either idiopathic or iatrogenically induced. Typically characterized by male hypogonadism; the presence of extra X chromosomes is likely the fundamental underlying etiological factor. It is characterized by varying degrees of decreased Leydig cell function and seminiferous tubule failure. Hypothyroidism clinically manifested by the presence of a mucinous edema; the disease may appear at any time throughout life and is attributable to disorders of the thyroid gland or to pituitary insufficiency.

A bone disease in adults characterized by a failure of the skeletal osteoid to calcify; it is usually caused by an absence of adequate access to vitamin D. A complex of varying symptoms ranging from amenorrhea to anovulatory bleeding often associated with obesity and hirsutism. The term denotes an absence of ovulation in association with continuous stimulation of the ovary by disproportionately high levels of LH. A failure in the child of the skeletal osteoid to calcify; it is usually caused by an absence of adequate amounts of vitamin D; it is characterized by a bowing of the femur, tibia, and fibulas. A condition present in females with a 45, XO chromosome pattern i. The XO individual is typically short with a thick neck and trunk and no obvious secondary sex characteristics. Tumors of the pancreas which result in excessive secretion of gastrin; the afflicted subject has recurrent duodenal ulcers and diarrhea caused by hypersecretion of gastric acid.

This list was abstracted from the United States National Library of Medicine—Medical Subject Headings—Tree Structures—, pp. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC, The diseases were included in the National Library of Medicine table on the basis of frequency of publication of papers about the given disease topics. contact such as through the use of pharmaceuticals, plastics, certain detergents, personal care products, and food. These EDCs are produced by human activities i. For example, some of them are pesticides, including insecticides e. Others are industrial or mining byproducts such as heavy metals, dioxins, and PCBs. Estrogenic feminizing chemicals such as phthalates, nonylphenols, and bisphenyl A BPA leach from a variety of plastics used in food and beverage packaging or dental sealants as well as from cosmetics and personal care products.

Derivatives of the 18 1. Classification of Some Known Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals EDCs By usage Detergents e. Phytoestrogens are endocrine-disrupting steroidal chemicals produced in plants that find their way into animal systems either through diet e. Humans and livestock excrete natural hormones as well as pharmaceuticals taken for therapeutic purposes that can concentrate in aquatic systems. Conventional sewage treatment systems are not designed to remove these EDCs and may in fact increase their potency. Many of these compounds have been shown in clinical, laboratory, and field studies to be estrogenic e.

Although most of these compounds end up in biosolid wastes, sufficient estrogenic compounds pass with the processed sewage effluent into freshwater and estuarine environments where feminization of fishes or contraceptive actions have been described. These levels are minute compared to the standard safe toxicity levels determined by traditional toxicology; i. Apparently, biological receptors can detect natural bioregulators and bioregulator mimics at much greater dilutions than traditional chemistry. Increased incidences of breast, prostate, and testicular cancer and reduced sperm counts have been reported in human populations in developed countries. Decreases in the proportion of live male to live female births have occurred since the s although the prior ratio was consistent for the past years.

Puberty has been occurring at progressively earlier ages in the past 50 years. These are, of course, correlative changes only and the causes of these changes are not established and could be very complex in nature. However, increased incidences of abnormal reproductive development, especially in newborn males, are correlated directly with exposures to estrogenic compounds as are some cases of precocious puberty in girls. The discovery of feminized fishes in wastewater effluent dominated streams and estuaries in Europe, Asia, and North America has been attributed directly to the presence of estrogenic substances of human origin Figure Because EDCs add to or detract from whatever bioregulators are already present, there is theoretically no level for any EDC VII.

Sales tax will be calculated at check-out. Institutional Subscription Request a Sales Quote Request a Sales Quote. Tax Exempt Orders Tax Exempt Orders We cannot process tax exempt orders online. Resources Textbook Support for Instructors. Free Global Shipping. Description One of the only books to discuss all vertebrates, the fourth edition of Vertebrate Endocrinology has been completely reorganized and updated to explore the intricate mechanisms that control human physiology and behavior as well as that of other vertebrate animals. Chapters have been reorganized to more closely follow traditional classroom presentation and extensive suggested readings are included at the end of each chapter allowing the reader to obtain further information as well as connect concepts to the literature on which the book is based. For the first time, this edition features four-color illustrations. Provides a complete overview of the endocrine system of vertebrates by first emphasizing the mammalian system as the basis of most terminology and understanding of endocrine mechanisms and then applies that to non-mammals Introduces the reader to suitable concepts and explanation of jargon so that the reader will be able to delve directly into the primary literature on any endocrine-related topic with a background that will aid in their interpretation of new information Revised and updated chapter on The Molecular Bases for Chemical Regulation that now includes more evolutionary data Includes information on endocrine disrupting chemicals and their implications on the health of wildlife and humans.

Chapter 1. An Overview of Chemical Bioregulation in Vertebrates Chapter 2. Methods to Study Bioregulation Chapter 3. Synthesis, Metabolism, and Actions of Bioregulators Chapter 4. Vertebrate Endocrinology is designed for graduate students and advanced undergraduates in the biological, animal, and veterinary sciences; as well as endocrine researchers in comparative, veterinary, and mammalian endocrinology. The Fifth Edition will be reorganized and completely updated including the addition of new clinical correlation vignettes, a new chapter on Endocrine Disrupters, and new full-color figures and tables. Includes new full color format includes over full color, completely redrawn imagesFeatures a companion web site hosting all images from the book as PPT slides and.

Pages Page size x pts Year DOWNLOAD FILE. Pediatric Endocrinology FOURTH EDITION REVISED AND EXPANDED EDITED BY Fima Lifshitz Miami Children's Hospital, Univers. Shlomo Melmed, MD Professor of Medicine Senior Vice President and Dean of the Faculty Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Los An. Physical Metallurgy Principles This page intentionally left blank Fourth Edition Physical Metallurgy Principles Rez. Adams, BSc Agric Hons, FIHort, Di. Vertebrate Endocrinology FOURTH EDITION This page intentionally left blank Vertebrate Endocrinology FOURTH EDITION David O. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Includes index. ISBN alk. paper ISBN alk. paper 1. ISBN ISBN For all information on all Elsevier Academic Press publications visit our Web site at www. Printed in the United States of America 07 08 09 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Working together to grow libraries in developing countries www. com www. org www. This page intentionally left blank CONTENTS Preface viii 1. An Overview of Chemical Bioregulation in Vertebrates 1 2. Methods to Study Bioregulation 30 3. Synthesis, Metabolism, and Actions of Bioregulators 46 4. Organization of the Mammalian Hypothalamus-Pituitary Axes 5. The Hypothalamus-Pituitary System in Non-Mammalian Vertebrates 6.

The Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Thyroid HPT Axis of Mammals 7. The Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Thyroid HPT Axis of Non-Mammalian Vertebrates 8. The Mammalian Adrenal Glands: Cortical and Chromaffin Cells 9. Comparative Aspects of Vertebrate Adrenals The Endocrinology of Mammalian Reproduction Comparative Aspects of Vertebrate Reproduction Bioregulation of Feeding, Digestion, and Metabolism Comparative Aspects of Feeding, Digestion, and Metabolism Bioregulation of Calcium and Phosphate Homeostasis Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Index A. Abbreviations of Endocrine Terms B. Vertebrate Tissue Types C. Amino Acids and Their Symbols D. Bioassays vii PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION Vertebrate Endocrinology has evolved into a 4th edition that has incorporated new information and insights gained by this author during a fourth decade of teaching and research within the field of endocrinology.

It represents a virtual rewrite and reorganization with the addition of many new chemical bioregulators as well as new understandings of the synthesis, actions, and metabolism of former bioregulators. Included are new insights into the evolution of these systems. Furthermore, the old distinction of separate regulatory systems e. Perhaps, even the title of this edition should have been altered to simply The Chemical Bioregulation of Vertebrate Physiology and Behavior to reflect this change of emphasis from endocrinology sensu stricto. Although tremendous gains in molecular techniques since the 3rd edition have allowed creative scientists to greatly increase our understandings of the intricate interrelatedness among chemical bioregulatory mechanisms and their evolution, perhaps the most important changes have been the recognition and documentation of endocrine disruption by chemicals in the environment.

These environmentally endocrine active chemicals EACs are capable of disrupting normal life history events including development, sexual differentiation, and post-embryonic functions such as metabolism, stress responses, sexual maturation, reproduction, and behavior. The possible clinical implications of these EACs for present human populations are of immediate concern, and there is mounting evidence of their potential impacts on future generations. Other EACs are the consequence of the burgeoning size of the human population, its concentrations into cities, and its reliance on artificially maintained agriculture and animal husbandry. EACs include pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, fertilizers, and industrial products e. Furthermore, high densities of humans and domestic animals have resulted in the addition of biologically relevant concentrations of reproductively active hormones and pharmaceuticals to aquatic environments through wastewater effluents and application of biosolids to agricultural fields.

Of greatest long-term evolutionary concern perhaps may be the effects of thyroid inhibitors on central nervous system development and the effects of estrogenic and androgenic EACs on sexual viii Preface ix differentiation sex reversal and intersex production of embryos and immature animals as well as the induction of estrogen-based cancers and contraception in adults and future generations. The widespread contamination of natural environments means that it is no longer possible to study animals under natural conditions.

Hence, field studies must rely on reference populations lacking only the bioregulator they wish to study rather than control populations since all animals in nature are exposed to some EACs. And the ultimate impacts of EACs on microorganisms, plants, and invertebrate populations and their implications for natural ecosystems may be even more important than those on vertebrates. It is my hope that students who understand the intricacies and interrelatedness of chemical bioregulatory systems such as described in this text will be best prepared to deal with the threat of environmental EACs in the future. If left unchecked, EACs could lead to the destruction of natural ecosystems as we know them.

Donald S. Were I to attempt to name all of the endocrine people who have contributed directly or indirectly to this edition, I would undoubtedly overlook many of them. I can acknowledge the vast majority, however, by simply referring to the many direct academic descendents and postdoctoral students of my past mentors in vertebrate endocrinology: Aubrey Gorbman, Howard Bern, and Donald Farner as well their many academic sons and daughters, grandsons and grand-daughters, great-grand sons and great-grand-daughters, etc. These descendents continue to add to our understanding of vertebrate endocrinology through teaching and research.

My own understanding of chemical bioregulation has been strongly influenced by my many years of interactions with colleagues Dr. Richard Evan Jones and more recently Dr. Pei-San Tsai, as well as with the many undergraduate and graduate students in vertebrate endocrinology we have trained in our laboratories at the University of Colorado in Boulder. Questions, challenges, and independent interpretations of the literature by these students have strongly affected my thinking about chemical bioregulation over the years to the extent that I can no longer honestly separate their ideas from my own.

Among those former graduate students are Dr. Harriet B. Austin James A. Carr Laura M. Carruth Rubai Ding David Duvall Kevin T. Fitzgerald William A. Gern John C. Gill Louis P. Guillette, Jr. Earl T. Larson x Dr. Preface Kristin Lopez Tammy A. Maldonado Frank L. Moore Mark F. Norman James S. Norris Toni R. Pak Martha K. Pancak Scott Panter James E. Platt Matthew S. Rand Greta Rosen George Snow Richard R. Tokarz Alan M. Vajda John D. Woodling 1 An Overview of Chemical Bioregulation in Vertebrates I. The Comparative Vertebrate Approach The Origins of Bioregulation Categories of Bioregulators General Organization of Bioregulatory Systems Cell and Tissue Organization of Bioregulatory Systems Homeostasis A.

A Homeostatic Reflex Model VII. Endocrine Disruption of Homeostasis VIII. Chordate Evolution A. The Invertebrate Chordates B. The Vertebrate Chordates C. Amphibia D. Reptiles E. Birds F. These secretions were called hormones hormon, to stimulate or excite because of their effects on distant target cells. Each hormone binds to a specific receptor molecule located in or on a target cell and the resultant hormone-receptor complex causes a measurable change in the target cell. Many mechanisms employed in the vertebrate endocrine system have their counterparts among invertebrate animals as well as in microbial and botanical organisms.

Originally a traditional field of specialization that focused on the endocrine glands and their secretions, endocrinology has expanded as a specialty within physiology and now deals with chemical regulation of virtually all biological phenomena in animals at the molecular, cellular, organism, and population levels of organization. The study of chemical regulation or bioregulation can be defined to include secretions of the endocrine system, the nervous system, the immune system, and virtually all cells in the body that use chemical messengers to communicate with one another Figure The many secretions involved as chemical messengers then can be called bioregulators. Learning about the intricacies of how the activities of animals are regulated and coordinated by bioregulators is one of the most fascinating and complicated endeavors in biology.

Vertebrate Endocrinology Norris Pdf Free Download,Purchase options

14/04/ · [DOWNLOAD] Vertebrate Endocrinology by David O. Norris, James A. Carr ~ eBook PDF Kindle ePub Free April 14, Post a Comment �� Read Now �� Download Vertebrate Endocrinology (4th ed.) David O. Norris, One of the only books to discuss all vertebrates, the fourth edition of Vertebrate Endocrinology has been completely reorganized Vertebrate Endocrinology written by David O. Norris and has been published by Academic Press this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been 02/12/ · Dr. David O. Norris (B.S., Baldwin Wallace University, ; PhD , University of Washington) was a professor at the University of Colorado for 46 years where he studied 02/12/ · Vertebrate Endocrinology Norris Pdf Free Download 02 Dec, Post a Comment English This product may take a few minutes to download. About 27/11/ · eBook ISBN: Description One of the only books to discuss all vertebrates, the fourth edition of Vertebrate Endocrinology has been completely ... read more

The circumstance of glucocorticoid excess without specification of the specific etiology; it may result from endogenous causes but is more commonly iatrogenic physician-induced. The economic importance of these compounds and potential financial consequences of these disruptive observations versus the health of 20 1. The coordinated physiological processes which maintain most of the steady states in the organism are so complex and so peculiar to living beings - involving, as they may, the brain and nerves, the heart, lungs, kidneys and spleen, all working cooperatively - that I have suggested a special designation for these states, homeostasis. Homeostasis Bioregulatory mechanisms are the bases for controlling all physiology and behavior. Homeostasis 13 The constant conditions which are maintained in the body might be termed equilibria.

Control sites for field research actually do not exist because of the myriad of environmental factors that the investigator cannot control at two locations and which will not be the same. The controller uses a preprogrammed set of instructions to compare the input with a set point and determines whether any adjustments are warranted. These disorders are discussed in later chapters after the normal functional aspects of the systems are described. Includes index. Comparative Aspects of Vertebrate Adrenals David O. Sometimes, the endocrine cells will be separated into scattered clumps or islets vertebrate endocrinology norris pdf free download a few cells.

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